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Laser tattoo removal on the back


R20 Fast Removal

Full Tattoo Removal

Part Tattoo Removal

Tattoo Fading ready for a cover-up tattoo

Q-Switched Nd:YAG Laser Tattoo Removal available at Westfield Clinic

Licensed MHRA (Medical Healthcare Regulatory Agency) Medical Laser.

Member of the BMLA (British Medical Laser Association).

  • What technology do you use?
    A class 4 Medical Laser Device. Our laser equipment is CE-compliant and regulated by MHRA (Medical Healthcare Regulatory Agency). We are a proud member of the BMLA (British Medical Laser Association). We have a variety of hair removal technologies: DIODE LASER - with 4 wavelengths! Alex 755nm: recommended for treating the fine and light-coloured hair. With more superficial penetration, the 755nm wavelength targets the bulge of the hair follicle and is especially effective for the superficially embedded hair in areas such as the eyebrows and upper lip. Diode 808nm: is suitable for almost all hair types. Diode 940nm: targets around the follicles, cutting off the nutrient supply of hair follicles, and reducing hair regeneration power. Yag 1064nm: offers the deepest penetration of the hair follicle, allowing it to target the Bulb and Papilla, as well as treat deeply embedded hair in areas such as the scalp, armpits, and pubic areas. Also indicated for treating dark skin types. IPL - We have an advanced form of IPL - E-Light, which combines RF (Radio Frequency) energy and IPL (intense pulsed light) for improved efficacy with its cryo-cooling tip. SHR - Progressive photo-thermolysis / Super Hair Removal . It is different from traditional IPL as it targets the hair germ cells and melanin of the hair. SHR is an in-motion technique, gliding over the area delivering heat and light to the hair follicles in repetitive sequences at around 5-10 shots per second. SHR uses multiple shots at lower joules, and is pain-free. This method is used for those who cannot tolerate laser, and is safer on tanned skins than IPL.
  • Am I suitable?
    Westfield Clinic puts safety first and treatment cannot go ahead without, a consultation, medical questionnaire and test patches, even if you have had it at another clinic. This should be standard practice in all clinics. Hair colour: The darker the hair the better. Treatment can be successful on black, brown, light brown and some strawberry blonde hair colours. Light blonde, grey or white hair cannot be treated. ​ Skin colour: The paler the skin the safer. Suitable only for a Fitzpatrick skin type 1-5 (diagram at the bottom of the page). Your skin type will be assessed during the consultation and questions will be asked, including how your skin usually reacts to sunlight etc, this will determine your suitability for laser. ​ The medical questionnaire you complete at the time of booking will determine suitability. It is important for the effectiveness of the treatment that you are generally fit and well and that your immune system is not compromised. For example, some auto-immune conditions mean you are unable to have treatment. We ask for your current medications, as some medications can cause photosensitivity, these can include, but are not limited to: Some Antibiotics. Antiparasitics. Antipsychotics. Hypoglycaemics. Some NSAID. Retinoids. Some contraindications identified may need to be supported by a letter of approval from your GP. Hair supplements (biotin) should be avoided as they can affect your treatment progress, as they can stimulate hair growth. For more information on contra-indications click here... Laser hair removal is suitable for all genders.
  • Can men have laser hair removal?
    Yes, laser hair removal is suitable for both men and women. Current prices for male patients is the same as female patients. See pricelist.
  • Do you treat transgender and LGBTQ+ clients?
    Yes! The clinic is a welcoming and private space for transgender and LGBTQ+ clients to achieve smooth, hair-free skin. I understand how important hairless skin plays in the transition process for MTF transgender clients, not only helping you form your identity but to feel comfortable in your own skin. The clinic is private and 1:1. Please get in touch for a free consultation and patch test.
  • Do I need a consultation and patch test?
    Yes, Westfield Clinic puts safety first and treatment cannot go ahead without a consultation, medical questionnaire and patch test for each area you want to treat. This is best practice and should be standard in all clinics. The Medical Questionnaire at the time of booking will need to be completed before your initial consultation, this allows us to check your suitability for laser treatment. Some conditions or medications prohibit you from laser treatments and it would be unsafe for you to have a patch test at that time. We may request GP approval before treatment can go ahead for some conditions or medications you may currently have, or be taking. ​ During the consultation, the treatment will be discussed fully and any questions answered, a series of small patch tests (at various energies) will be carried out near the area, enabling the correct parameters to be established and check your skin's tolerance to laser. After no adverse reactions, Full treatment can commence 3-14 days later. You must inform Westfield Clinic of any health or medication changes throughout your treatment course. Failure to do so may result in complications or termination of treatment.
  • Does it hurt?
    It can be uncomfortable at times, it has a built-in cooling system to make the treatment more comfortable. It can feel like a rubber band being flicked against the skin. Some areas can be more sensitive than others, for example, the upper lip, neck, back of hands and ankles. Generally, it is very well tolerated, and treatment is quick.
  • When should I start?
    Laser treatments can be started at any time as long as the hairs have not been waxed or tweezed for at least 4 weeks. We need the roots intact so the laser can target the hairs! Laser cannot be performed on tanned skin. Throughout the course, you will need to wear a minimum of SPF30 (SPF 50 on the face) on the area being treated, especially in the summer. If you are going abroad where it is hot you will need to cover the area or apply SPF50. If you have accidentally tanned you will need to wait for 4 weeks before having your next treatment. If sun-bathing is a priority to you then it might be best to start your treatments in the autumn.
  • How many sessions are needed?
    This varies hugely from person to person, and also depends on where the hair cycles are when we first start *. We aim for 85-90% reduction in hair following a course of treatments. Female patients often have on average 6-10 treatments on the body (IPL) and 6-8 (Diode) Some patients can have up to 60% loss after just 4 sessions, especially if the hair is very dark! Some patients may need more than 10 sessions, in particular those with tanned skin or lighter-coloured hairs. Hairs on the face can be more resistant sometimes requiring 6-12 treatments, or more. In particular, patients suffering from hormone imbalances are likely to require more treatments and regular top-ups. (Diagnosed POS sufferers receive 10% discount on courses!). Male patients require more treatments compared to females, due to the increased amount of follicles. There are around 5 million hair follicles in the human body (men have a few hundred thousand more than women). ​ *Hairs can only be disabled effectively during the active growth phase (anagen). Approximately 10-20% of follicles are in this growing phase at any one time. This stage is when the hair is connected to the dermal papilla and blood vessels that feed the hair and enable stem cells to grow into new hair. A hair in this stage receives heat from the laser which transmits to the papilla to destroy it and prevent new growth. When the hair is in one of the other stages - (catagen or telogen), it is either becoming detached or completely detached from the papilla therefore it will not absorb the light energy where its needed and be ineffective. This is why you need a course, with regular intervals, to destroy each hair in its growing phase!
  • How often do I need a treatment?
    As hair on the face tends to grow more quickly than hair on the body, laser hair removal appointments for the face usually start out spaced every 4 weeks, and treatments for the body every 6-10 weeks. As you progress through your course your sessions will be further apart. For example... Face 4-6 weeks. Underarm and bikini 6-8 weeks. Legs 6- 8-10 weeks. Back 8-10-14 weeks.
  • How much does it cost?
    Prices vary depending on the area. Please click here for the full price list. Courses are available in blocks of 3, 6, or 8 sessions and are discounted - a course of 3 saves you 10%, a course of 6 saves you 16%, and a course of 8 saves 20%. Courses are to be paid upfront on your first appointment. Combining treatment areas saves you even more - save 15% on more than one body area. For example half leg & bikini together recieve 15% discount on both. Save 20% on more than one face area. For example lip, chin and jawline recieve 20% discount.
  • What preparation do I need to do?
    A consultation, medical consent form and patch test will be carried out 48-72hrs before your first treatment (14 days for skin type 4). This allows a safe setting to be established based on your skin type. Settings are regularly adjusted during your course. If skin tone were to change mid-way through a course the settings would not be safe to use, and so the settings adjusted for safety reasons. The following are very important: Ensure the area to be treated is free from ALL topical solutions and no perfumes/aftershave to be worn in that area. Shave the area thoroughly 12-24 hours prior, any sooner can result in heightened sensitivity during the treatment. Do not use depilatory creams, or remove the hair from the root (plucking, waxing, epilators). Avoid exposure to the sun for four weeks before treatment. Cease use of tanning creams two weeks before treatment. Avoid bleaching, plucking, waxing, epilation and any other forms of hair removal for 4 weeks prior (if you remove the roots the treatment won’t work). Do not use essential oils on the skin at least 48 hours prior. Cold sore medication can be taken five days before and five days after treatment (if treating face). Should you be on antibiotics it is recommended to leave a 2-6 week gap before starting laser. You will need to inform us which antibiotics you are taking so we can advise. Do not use irritants such as, Retinol (Vit A), Vitamin C, glycolic/salicylic acid, bleaching creams, chemical peels/exfoliants for a minimum of two weeks before your appointment if having the face treated, and ideally not, during your course For body areas, wear loose-fitting clothes to your appointment. Tight clothes will trap the heat after your treatment increases the chance of a rash/infection.
  • Will my hair ever grow back?
    Actively growing hair that’s been treated with IPL/laser should not grow back once the hair follicle is damaged. But some other factors can encourage new hair growth for example, it’s also not unusual for some patients to have a touch-up session years later, this could be due to hormonal changes, or even a change to health or medication that can encourage some new growth. Occasionally a few resistant hairs can return, colourless, extremely fine, very short and barely noticeable.
  • How long does it take?
    That depends on the area of the body to be treated. The duration of the treatment can vary between a few minutes for the upper lip, 20 minutes for the lower leg and 45 minutes for the whole leg.
  • Are their risks or side-effects?
    Depending on skin type and sensitiveness of the skin, some mild skin redness (erythema) or mild swelling (edema) can be experienced. These are normal reactions, and they should generally disappear after a short while. Follow the aftercare advice that will be given to you post-treatment, in particular avoiding sun exposure for the entire course of treatments, regardless of the weather, and wear a minimum of SPF 30 on the treated area. Exposure to sunlight can cause your skin to become more sensitive to light energy, putting you at higher risk of hyperpigmentation, burns, or scarring. Avoid tanning creams for the same reason. It is important that any medical conditions or medications (including herbal remedies) are declared on the medical consent form during the consultation. Certain medicines can cause photo-allergic and photo-toxic reactions which may contraindicate you from treatment. Each time you return for subsequent appointments you will be asked to sign in agreement there have been no changes to your medical history, medication, or tanning since your previous treatment. It is your responsibility to inform Westfield Clinic of any health or medication changes throughout the course of your treatment. Failure to do so may result in complications. Rarely some clients may have a histamine reaction, causing a rash on the skin (sometimes seen on the lower legs) and can be treated with cold compress and anti-histamines. Tattoos in the area will be covered during treatment, otherwise there is a risk that they become damaged. Protective eyewear provided must remain on during the entire treatment. ​
  • What is the aftercare?
    You will be given a copy of the aftercare during your appointment If having body areas treated, wear loose-fitting clothes, on the day of your appointment. Tight-fitting clothes will trap heat into the skin. Cold compresses (not ice) and applying Aloe Vera may be useful to reduce swelling and erythema (redness) or general discomfort. Erythema may last for several hours. Anti-histamine can ease symptoms. Always use a clean razor before your treatment, especially if you are prone to folliculitis (infection of hair follicles caused by the staphylococcus aureus bacteria). For a couple of days, use gentle cleansers, but do not rub the skin vigorously, and avoid hot water during this time. Skin moisturisers may be used and make-up can be applied if the skin is not broken. Aloe Vera gel can help aid recovery. Avoid sun exposure during the entire course of treatments. Use a minimum of SPF 30 or greater on the treatment area at all times. Exposure to sunlight can cause your skin to become more sensitive to the light energy used in the removal process. This can put you at a higher risk of hyperpigmentation, or burns. Avoid tanning creams during the entire course of treatments. The laser light/energy will be attracted to the closest pigment it sees first. Therefore the pigment on the surface of your skin will be its target, which may result in burning. Avoid soaking for 24 to 48 hours. No hot tubs, whirlpools or baths, but showers are allowed if tepid water is used. Avoid excessive sweating for 24 to 48 hours. No saunas or vigorous exercise. If the face was treated, do not use irritants such as Retin-A, Retinol, glycolics, bleaching creams, and exfoliants for one week after and two weeks prior to your next appointment. Keep well hydrated. Any questions or concerns always contact the laser practitioner, and always seek advice from a medical professional should you need to.
  • What are the options for bikini area?
    Standard bikini - a little off the sides. Extended bikini - more off the sides and a little off the top. Brazilian - approx 1" wide section of hair to remain all the way down, including the labia (if you want labia hair removed, you can add that on). Labia - just the labia majora. Hollywood - is everything off at the front. Peri-anal is the area around the anus and can be incorporated into any of the above. Please note if you have a contraceptive coil implant it is fine to have standard IPL.
  • What age can you have laser hair removal?
    Age 18+
Fitzpatrick scale
These progress photos show you how the tattoo gradually fades with stubborn tattoos

Fading, Patch Tests, SPMU and progress photos.



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